Did you know there is a government website that allows you to search for unclaimed money such as dividends, lost bank accounts, outstanding investments, lost super etc.
I recently searched under my surname (which is an unusual name) and it brought up a relative of mine with an amount of $104 that was a rental income refund from years before! I contacted my relative and told them to claim immediately! It was a simple process and the money was paid out quickly after proving their identity.
We know there is over $17 billion (yes billion) dollars in lost super benefits and over $677 million in unclaimed monies. Some of this could be yours.
To find out, simply click on the link below which is the government’s moneysmart website and select either “Search for Unclaimed Money” and/or “Search for Lost Super”.
It’s as simple as entering your name! Note: You’ll need your tax file number to search for lost super.
If you are lucky enough to find some money, don’t waste time in collecting it!
Click on this link to start your search. https://www.moneysmart.gov.au/tools-and-resources/find-unclaimed-money
P.S. I would love to hear from you if you were successful in finding some money so feel free to drop me an email at hschwegler@tfgfinancial.com.au!
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